
Business Sisters and ACCFutures partner to offer microloan program

~3 min read
Lexie Jasiewicz, Loan Officer at ACCFutures is on the left, with Doreen Ashton Wagner, Founder of Business Sisters, on the right.

It is with immense pleasure that we announce a new type of support for Business Sisters, with a microloan program underwritten by ACCFutures called ACCÉlan.

Through this partnership, ACCFutures will be extending loans of up to$7500, at prime — a lower rate than what is available through normal channels. With flexible repayment terms, this type of loan is an excellent way to propel women-owned businesses, whether it be to buy new equipment, expand marketing activities, renovate a space or do what is needed to succeed.

Greg Pietersma, Executive Director of ACCFutures explains, “The loan process was designed to be expedient so that women businessowners can access essential working capital when they need it. This program closely aligns with ACC’s vision of identifying and igniting opportunities for entrepreneurs and their communities and is funded by the Government of Canada through FedDev Ontario.”

The ACCÉlan microloan is open to women business owners based in SD&G, who have worked with a Business Sisters mentor. Over a series of one-on-one meetings, we will help entrepreneurs refine business goals, solidify projections and ensure that loan financing is a sound strategy for them. Once this process is completed, the entrepreneur will be referred to the ACCFutures Loan Officer.

“Creating this microloan program was a natural evolution for Business Sisters. ACCFutures’ community economic development aims are aligned with ours. They collaborate with entrepreneurs’ financial institutions of choice and they are great connectors to the entrepreneurial ecosystem, as we are. It simply made sense,” declared Doreen Ashton Wagner, Founder and Executive Director of Business Sisters.

About ACCFutures

ACCFutures is a non-profit, community-based lender that has been serving entrepreneurs in Akwesasne, Cornwall and the United Counties of Stormont-Dundas and Glengarry since 1987. The organization is part of the network of 267 Community Futures Development Corporations across Canada. With a portfolio valued at over $10 million, their mission is to help build a stronger economy and better communities for all through smart solutions that include funding, financing, and a team of experts to support entrepreneurs. For more information, please see the ACCFutures website.

To find out more about the ACCÉlan microloan program, please contact hello@business-sisters.ca

It is with immense pleasure that we announce a new type of support for Business Sisters, with a microloan program underwritten by ACCFutures called ACCÉlan.

Through this partnership, ACCFutures will be extending loans of up to$7500, at prime — a lower rate than what is available through normal channels. With flexible repayment terms, this type of loan is an excellent way to propel women-owned businesses, whether it be to buy new equipment, expand marketing activities, renovate a space or do what is needed to succeed.

Greg Pietersma, Executive Director of ACCFutures explains, “The loan process was designed to be expedient so that women businessowners can access essential working capital when they need it. This program closely aligns with ACC’s vision of identifying and igniting opportunities for entrepreneurs and their communities and is funded by the Government of Canada through FedDev Ontario.”

The ACCÉlan microloan is open to women business owners based in SD&G, who have worked with a Business Sisters mentor. Over a series of one-on-one meetings, we will help entrepreneurs refine business goals, solidify projections and ensure that loan financing is a sound strategy for them. Once this process is completed, the entrepreneur will be referred to the ACCFutures Loan Officer.

“Creating this microloan program was a natural evolution for Business Sisters. ACCFutures’ community economic development aims are aligned with ours. They collaborate with entrepreneurs’ financial institutions of choice and they are great connectors to the entrepreneurial ecosystem, as we are. It simply made sense,” declared Doreen Ashton Wagner, Founder and Executive Director of Business Sisters.

About ACCFutures

ACCFutures is a non-profit, community-based lender that has been serving entrepreneurs in Akwesasne, Cornwall and the United Counties of Stormont-Dundas and Glengarry since 1987. The organization is part of the network of 267 Community Futures Development Corporations across Canada. With a portfolio valued at over $10 million, their mission is to help build a stronger economy and better communities for all through smart solutions that include funding, financing, and a team of experts to support entrepreneurs. For more information, please see the ACCFutures website.

To find out more about the ACCÉlan microloan program, please contact hello@business-sisters.ca

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Denise Sukkau
We are entering a time when women need to take our place, fill up our space and be who we are without apology. I have difficulty with this and thus I try to keep expanding, keep learning, keep letting go of those past experiences that have kept me small(er). Our culture and past societal 'norms' in a patriarchal time have diminished our voice in addition to other past traumas to women. In supporting each other we can rise together without guilt or shame for being a b*tch or any other shadow expression of our soul, to embrace our power that is within. (Please note I have recently come off of a feminine empowerment retreat called Rise Sister Rise.)
Bonjour Doreen, J'aime cet article, c'est bien dit... !!😄 Je rajoute, tu es aussi pour ma part, dans ton rôle, de pouvoir encadrer les choses autant que tu peux car, gérer les êtres humains est une tâche énorme pour n'importe quelle occasion. Je viens d'apprendre aussi une chose intéressante, la philosophie de Ted Lasso, je ne connaissais pas cette série, je vais la regarder. Merci de partager cela. Donc, en un mot, tout ca est intéressant moi, je te trouve en tout cas authentique :)!! Bravo pour ton leadership👍
Huh - ma première réaction - 41% ont plus de 6 employés. Il serait intéressant de voir combien sont des sous-contractants VS part-time VS full-time, et les liens aux revenus bruts?
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